Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Top ten nominations..

1. Gustavo
    - I think his proposal is a very positive for italy and for an issue like this it must be done imidiately because its an issue that has grown from a long time and would continue on growing for as long as it is treated properly.

2. Miguel C:
    - Somalia is a country of poor technology and resources. I think a help for this country would be a mayor impact for them and their economy.

3. Adriana:
    - Tibet has never been treated fair and with a good change it can make a huge impact in the world.

 - India is very poor but with a help or proposal like johns it can improv India greatly.

5. Karolina:
 - Ivory Coast has a very common issue among all and its violence and its an issue that must be treated fast because it grows very fast and can cause mayor issues and struggles.

6. Sarah:
 - Honduras

7. Luis sanchez:
  - Haiti has gone through a rough earthquake and with a change it can improve greatly

8. Heidi:
 - Brazil is a beautifull country full of culture and many ethnic groups but the issues of violence in favela they cant be shown but with the help they can show how beautifull and full of spirit brazil is.

9. Alberto:
 - China is a very rough strict country and with the mayor thoughts that alberto proposes to china a great society and country can grow.

10. Yamilette:
 - Saudi Arabia

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Resolution to end Ecuadorian problems..

Well first of all I would like to talk about how our (Ecuadorian) rights have been broken and people have been neglected. However rights have been broken from all ways both society to government and viseversa. The government has poorly treated the workers and laborers. The society have overthrown the government and other mayor nations important resources. Just for the disagreement of laws and government opinions for a better society.

First I'd like to talk about the oil problems Ecuador has been having in present time. In BBC news a man called Servio Curipoma demanded the Texaco company for polluting the whole region he was living in and said that it had contaminated his water. He also concluded definately that it was what caused the death of his both parents that died with cancer. I would change this if I, being the oil company that created this, would have given the information of the conditions the land were. Also offered to relocate them or offered them a better environment where they could start forming there family as he was going to in the region he just had moved.

Another right that was broken by the society was the overthrough of the government for a law that didn't gave any type of advantage to the society but only to the government itself. The video I posted in the last blog by a news channel explained what happened and what caused the revolt of the society after the released of this law. One of our rights is that we should all be treated equally and in my opinion the law should be discussed among all and decided if its fair or not by how it would affect society if negative or positive. Due to this action society took in my perspective the law was of no good to no one in the society.

This issues have violated some of the rights people in society should have and have been denied or mistreated for the safe of the country. Society and government can form an agreement without having their rights violated in any way. The United Nations can offer those that live in this contaminated region a better place to live. Also for the mayor trade problems in Ecuador the government has to asurre for a better society that can move foward the country until better success.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Human Rightz

Land Issues:
A related basic human right still at issue in many regions of Ecuador is that of land. The huasipungo system in the Sierra, which replaced earlier forced labor conditions, involved peasants exchanging their labor on a hacienda for land. Still its not andvantagous to the laborers because they recieved little plot from the high owners of the fertile valleys. The system lasted till the law was published in 1964 which set maximum and minimum landownings. By 1979 most expropriations were completed and less than 20 percent of peasant families and 15 percent of agricultural land had been affected. Race has come into play with the owning of land, while power distribution and inequity issues remain unaddressed by unclear legislation.

New law disagreement with Ecuadorian President:

Abuse in Workers' Right
Loopholes in Ecuadorian law also allow employers to impede workers' right to freedom of association through the unlimited use of subcontracted labor to perform normal, everyday work activities. Because subcontracted workers are employed by a third party, they have no guaranteed legal right to organize and collectively bargain with the main business benefiting from their labor. Instead, if they wish to organize their workplace, they generally must form multiple unions (one for each subcontractor) and negotiate multiple times with their subcontractors, who may not ultimately even control their terms of employment. In addition, subcontracted teams often contain fewer than 30 workers, falling short of the minimum needed to unionize.

Labor Abuse link

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Ecuadorian History...

Ecuadorian is a huge landscape of influences of spanish colonism and pre-Colombian peoples. The first inhabitants found by archeologist was about 10,000 BC, when hunters and gatherers seattled on the southern coast and the central highlands(geographia.com). By 3,200 BC the mix of the three cultures, Incan, pre-Colombian and Spanish produced the most ancient mixed potery.

Francisco Pizarro landed in Ecuador in 1532, accompanied by 180 fully armed men and all fully minded for gold. Several years earlier, Pizarro had made a peaceful visit to the coast, where he heard rumors of inland cities full of money. This time, he intended to conquer the Incas just as Hernando Cortez had crushed Mexico's Aztecs. Pizarro ambushed the ruler, forced him to collect an enormous ransom, and then executed him. Although the Incas had incredible ressitance to Pizarro they still were defeated.

The first years of the Republic were marked by instability and power struggles. History evolved around the figure of the first President, Venezuelan born General Juan José Flores. During this government the first constitution was written. Quito was chosen as the capital of Ecuador and catholicism was the oficial religion of the State. Independence was achieved May 24, 1822 by Simon Bolivar but was run by Jose Antonio de Sucre.

 There followed a history of internal disputes with many changes of regime from dictators, juntas and recently democracy. Despite this colourful past and border conflicts with Peru (now resolved) Ecuador is relatively peaceful. The government is modelled on the American system of Congress with Senators and a President elected every four years.

Geographia link
ecuaWorld link

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Ecuadorian Culture...

Ecuadorians are mostly mestizo, being a mixture of Europeans and Amerindians ancestry, and also are blended with the influences of slaves from Africa. Ecuador is Roman Catholic although their Christian beliefs are mixed with ancient indigenous customs. 

Ecuador can be divided into three sections:
- Costa(coast)
- Sierra(highlands)
- Oriente(east side, which includes the Amazon region)
* The Galapagos islands are also part of Ecuador

There is tension and dislike between the residents of Quito and Guayaquil. Additionally, there is centralism in these two cities, so people from other provinces also tend to dislike its residents.

Music is very important in Ecuador, with differences between Coast and Highlands. Generally, pan pipes, flutes of bamboo, violins, drums and charangos all played often, but with different purposes. For instance, in the Sierra popular tunes played at fiestas include "Rosa Maria" and "El Condor Pasa", with sanjuanito being an easily recognizable genre. In the Costa, the instruments are played mostly for cumbia, salsa, and pasillos. Costeños have two kinds of purposes for music, the rhythm-filled one which is played in most places, be it in public like in the bus or in parties, and the slow, moarnful pasillos and rocolas, which are exclusive to old bars. The slow tunes are humoristically known as cortavenísticos ("vein-cutting") because of their overall sadness.


The Panama hat is of Ecuadorian origin, and is known there as "Sombrero de paja toquilla", or a Jipijapa. It is made principally in Montecristi in the Province of Manabì. Its manufacture (particularly that of the Montecristi superfino) is considered a great craft.

Costeños tend to speak more quickly and louder than serranos, and most of them do so in a very informal way. A common term costeños use to call each other is mijo, a blend of two words to form one of sorts for "my son" (mi hijo). Several such terms originate from their fast speech, and they have intrincate language humor and jokes, difficult to translate or even understand in other regions. Also, each coaprovince has a different variety of accent with specific different terms.
Serranos usually speak softly, and very respectfully. Traditionally they are seen as more conservative, and use a number of Kichwa-originated terms in their everyday speech, often puzzling to other regions. A widely known example is the word guagua, which means child in Kichwa. Their speech comes from their Incan amerindian roots and can be seen as a variation of other Andean accents.
Whistling, yelling or yawning to get someone's attention is considered rude, yet informally done.

    New Year's is also celebrated in Ecuador but in a different way than in other countries. The ecuadorian tradition is that in the New Year, they make dummy that is stuffed with old clothing and then is burned to celebrate the ending of the old year and the coming of the New Year. Ecuadorians also dress themselves as clowns to recieve the coming of the New Year in a happy and enjoyable way. 
Art of Tigua, paintings usually paint about rural life and the daily lifes of Ecuadorian people. Wether it is planting, or any agricultural thing or rural work.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Outside World Overview

Ecuador's Overview:

15,007,343 (July 2011 est.)
Age Structure:
0-14 years: 30.1% (male 2,301,840/female 2,209,971)
15-64 years: 63.5% (male 4,699,548/female 4,831,521)
65 years and over: 6.4% (male 463,481/female 500,982) (2011 est.)
Median Age:
total: 25.7 years
male: 25 years
female: 26.3 years (2011 est.)
 Population Rate:
 1.443% (2011 est.)
 Birth Rate
19.96 births/1,000 population (2011 est.)
Death Rate:
5 deaths/1,000 population (July 2011 est.)

government name:
conventional long form: Republic of Ecuador
conventional short form: Ecuador
local long form: Republica del Ecuador
local short form: Ecuador
Government Type:
Flag Description:
three horizontal bands of yellow (top, double width), blue, and red with the coat of arms superimposed at the center of the flag; the flag retains the three main colors of the banner of Gran Columbia, the South American republic that broke up in 1830; the yellow color represents sunshine, grain, and mineral wealth, blue the sky, sea, and rivers, and red the blood of patriots spilled in the struggle for freedom and justice
note: similar to the flag of Colombia, which is shorter and does not bear a coat of arms


Military Branches:
Army, Navy (includes Naval Infantry, Naval Aviation, Coast Guard), Air Force (Fuerza Aerea Ecuatoriana, FAE) (2007)