Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Ecuadorian History...

Ecuadorian is a huge landscape of influences of spanish colonism and pre-Colombian peoples. The first inhabitants found by archeologist was about 10,000 BC, when hunters and gatherers seattled on the southern coast and the central highlands(geographia.com). By 3,200 BC the mix of the three cultures, Incan, pre-Colombian and Spanish produced the most ancient mixed potery.

Francisco Pizarro landed in Ecuador in 1532, accompanied by 180 fully armed men and all fully minded for gold. Several years earlier, Pizarro had made a peaceful visit to the coast, where he heard rumors of inland cities full of money. This time, he intended to conquer the Incas just as Hernando Cortez had crushed Mexico's Aztecs. Pizarro ambushed the ruler, forced him to collect an enormous ransom, and then executed him. Although the Incas had incredible ressitance to Pizarro they still were defeated.

The first years of the Republic were marked by instability and power struggles. History evolved around the figure of the first President, Venezuelan born General Juan José Flores. During this government the first constitution was written. Quito was chosen as the capital of Ecuador and catholicism was the oficial religion of the State. Independence was achieved May 24, 1822 by Simon Bolivar but was run by Jose Antonio de Sucre.

 There followed a history of internal disputes with many changes of regime from dictators, juntas and recently democracy. Despite this colourful past and border conflicts with Peru (now resolved) Ecuador is relatively peaceful. The government is modelled on the American system of Congress with Senators and a President elected every four years.

Geographia link
ecuaWorld link

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