Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Human Rightz

Land Issues:
A related basic human right still at issue in many regions of Ecuador is that of land. The huasipungo system in the Sierra, which replaced earlier forced labor conditions, involved peasants exchanging their labor on a hacienda for land. Still its not andvantagous to the laborers because they recieved little plot from the high owners of the fertile valleys. The system lasted till the law was published in 1964 which set maximum and minimum landownings. By 1979 most expropriations were completed and less than 20 percent of peasant families and 15 percent of agricultural land had been affected. Race has come into play with the owning of land, while power distribution and inequity issues remain unaddressed by unclear legislation.

New law disagreement with Ecuadorian President:

Abuse in Workers' Right
Loopholes in Ecuadorian law also allow employers to impede workers' right to freedom of association through the unlimited use of subcontracted labor to perform normal, everyday work activities. Because subcontracted workers are employed by a third party, they have no guaranteed legal right to organize and collectively bargain with the main business benefiting from their labor. Instead, if they wish to organize their workplace, they generally must form multiple unions (one for each subcontractor) and negotiate multiple times with their subcontractors, who may not ultimately even control their terms of employment. In addition, subcontracted teams often contain fewer than 30 workers, falling short of the minimum needed to unionize.

Labor Abuse link

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